Steps on how to Implement Pre-commit and Pre-push (Husky, Lint-Staged, StyleLint, Pretty-Quick) into a React.js Project

Documentation on how to implement quality-clean codes to a React project

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Pre-commit and Pre-push hooks are a set of automated commands or scripts that identifies both simple and complicated issues before code submission review. This is so that the code reviewer wouldn't waste time styling or formatting the codes before making a commit or push.

To start with, before you can implement a pre-commit hook into a react project. It would be necessary to have the following requirements installed and configured in your project:

Added are links to the respective documentation on how to install them.

So! Let's get right into it, shall we?

Step 1
Install Lint-Staged

npm install --save-dev lint-staged

Step 2
Install Husky and Prettier-Quick

  npx husky-init
  npm install --save-dev pretty-quick
  npx husky set .husky/pre-commit "npx pretty-quick --staged"

So, if you check your package.json file, you should see the following dependencies updated, as seen in the code snippet below.

Group 3Husky-LintStaged-PrettyQuick.png

A code snippet showing husky and pretty-quick dependencies installed in the DeliveryCog project

Step 3
Install pre-commit
Copy the following code into .pre-commit-config.yaml file created in the root of your application

  - repo:
    rev: "" # Use the sha or tag you want to point at
      - id: prettier

Group 4.pre-commit-yaml.png

A code snippet showing a pre-commit-yaml file configured into DeliveryCog project

The pre-commit config file describes what repositories and hooks are installed. Also, when using plugins with prettier you'll need to declare them under additional_dependencies. For example:

-   repo:
    rev: ''  # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
    -   id: prettier
        -   prettier@2.1.2
        -   '@prettier/plugin-xml@0.12.0'

Step 4
Install stylelint

npm install --save-dev stylelint stylelint-config-standard

Create a .stylelintrc.json configuration file in the root of your project with the code below

  "extends": "stylelint-config-standard"

Group 5Stylelint-config.png

A code snippet showing stylelintrc.json file configured into DeliveryCog project

Run stylelint on all CSS files in your project

npx stylelint "**/*.css"

So, another thing would be if you are using prettier in your project, which in this case, yes. There is a need to turn off conflicting rules that are unnecessary and might affect prettier. See Prettier's shared config to do that.

Step 5
Install pre-push

Pre-push is a hook installer for git where the npm test passes before you can push your changes. You can also force a push by informing git to skip the pre-push hook by adding --no-verify.

npm install --save-dev pre-push

Group 6pre-push.png

A code snippet showing pre-push dependency has been installed into DeliveryCog project

That's pretty much it!
I hope this is straightforward and shorter to implement, do note that there are many other ways to implement these pre-commit hooks. The main objective of pre-commit and pre-push hooks is to have neater and quality codes across any application. I would leave you some resources where you can have a further understanding of the concept of pre-commit and pre-push hook